Francis Lee Poe, ND


Individualized and Wholistic Healthcare


“I am here to help you along your health journey. So that you may write the story you want."

-Francis Lee Poe, Naturopathic Physician

The Road to Quality Heatlhcare Starts Today


What to expect


First Appointment

The first appointment is 60-90 minutes long. It is a comprehensive health history utilizing a biopsychosocial approach, which means that we cover every base. What is happening with your biology, psychology, and sociological health spheres? These appointments are dedicated to getting to know who you are. In addition, we will develop a comprehensive plan to suit your wholistic healthcare needs.

Follow up appointments

Follow up appointments range from 5 to 60 minutes depending on the complexity of issues and if any procedures are involved. You will have plenty of time to discuss your concerns because I listen with an open ear. My goal is for you to feel confident and empowered throughout your health journey.

Acute care

Acute care appointments are typically 10-30 minutes long and are for acute care needs that do not require emergency care. This could be a flu, cold, urinary tract infection, and so on.


Picture courtesy of Upheaval Designs.  Photographed is Lee Poe, ND

Picture courtesy of Upheaval Designs. Photographed is Francis Lee Poe, ND